Interested Students

AI and Disparities on a Global Stage
The future of work in an AI era

Quebec City, Canada
April 6-10, 2025

Simulation - Innovation - Action
The SIMUVACTION project is organized under the auspices of France-Atlanta. It is an opportunity for 40 university students from across the world to actively engage, practice, and contribute to the ethical development of AI. Students, coming from different fields, universities, backgrounds, and countries will train for 6-8 weeks through a common course in which they will receive the support of professional partners.
Would you like to experience being a Head of State, Journalist, or Lobbyist? Do you want to see how YOU can impact negotiations? Would you like to draft an international level recommendation on important policy? If so, join us for this exercise replicating a meeting of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence’s (GPAI), be ready to truly invest in your role and stand for the position of your stakeholders !
After attending Zoom conferences, preparing the roles they are assigned, the students will meet in-person in Atlanta for two days of training on negotiation and the D-DAY! they have to advance the position of the entity they represent and to successfully create an agreement that illustrates the interest of all parties involved.
* SIMULATION (Wednesday, April 9, 2025):​​​
AI, the Universal Right to Work, and the “AI-enhanced worker”:
an Equitable Future for All? ​
If AI devices and implants are to be used to boost productivity and create “AI enhanced workers” in a context of uneven internet connectivity and resource scarcity, what actionable recommendations should be made to mitigate the economic and social disparities on the global job market?​
More specifically, students will write, debate, and vote on one of the most challenging AI quandaries: How can we ensure that AI, designed to help address inequities does not, in fact, increase such disparities?​
The project is designed for students, especially graduate students, who with the help of academia, private and non-profit sectors, NGOs and associations, and Consulates and Embassies, will write, debate and vote actionable recommendations by 5 pm on the "D-day".
* SYMPOSIUM (Thursday, April 10, 2025):
De/re-Skilling with AI –
Why bother with learning if I have AI? What is the role, the point of humans?
if AI can help us compute, plan and organize, predict, and prevent, read, take notes, synthesize, write emails or speeches, explain and translate, draw, create art and visuals, evaluate, and monitor activities, why bother learning? What is the role, the point of humans?

In enrolling for this program, students must accept the role they are assigned, attend the conferences and the virtual/in-person events, and turn in the assignments on time, as a preliminary condition for receiving the certificate of attendance/ to valid the exercise as an independent study course
Kick-Off Meeting: January 20, 2025
Stage 1 - January 20-March 4: Zoom Conferences from 12 pm to 2 pm EST/ 18.00 to 20.00 CET
Stage 2 - February 24- April 5: Role assignment - teams of 2 students - play roles and prepare for D-day (research their assigned positions and roles, attend Zoom meetings, post on social media, write a position paper
Stage 3 -April 6-April 11: 5 days in Quebec City, Canada - In-person attendance to all events, is mandatory.

Arrival for International Students in Quebec City - Université Laval -
April 7 (9-1 p.m.): First session of Negotiation exercises
April 8 (9-1 pm): Second Session of Negotiation exercises
April 9 (8.30 am to 6. pm): the ACTION-DAY!
April 10 - Symposium
Your enrollment must be approved by one of your professors and mentioned to Dr. Courrier
Partners and Stakeholders

The Simuvaction exercise is conceived as a way to create an “ECOSYSTEM” through multi-layered objectives - from active learning to international thinking - with stakeholder representatives coming to an accord on common interests regarding Digital Matters applied to Health Care.
An exercise for STUDENTS to practice "ACTIVE LEARNING"
fills the gap between their studies and the professional world
​offers them an opportunity to discover themselves, out of their comfort zone, on a professional stage
enhances the links between knowledge, ways to do and ways to be, through multi-disciplinary teamwork
Through the preparation and the simulation game, collaboration between different academic partners is under way. We hope that the simulation will be a great milestone in strengthening and expanding such partnerships in Higher Education.

It strengthens connections between academic, economic, institutional, and non-profit actors
It provides an opportunity to work through the different facets of an issue by participating in conferences with experts in the field, by creating contacts with the Consulates of the represented delegation, and by coaching from lobbyists-teams with businesses, associations, and NGOs
The project aims to reflect the “THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY,” motto. We consider that “local problems have global connections and implications, and these problems cannot be solved by individuals in a single country” (see NAIR Indira, WHITEHEAD Michele, Models of Global Learning, 2017, v).
Thinking globally requires both a sense of identification and enhanced creativity in problem-solving to truly think and engage in global problems.
Sponsors 2024-2025

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SIMUVACTION on AI 2024 - Emory University
* See the slideshow with pictures -
* See the video
* See the clip - ​
* See the article published on the Website of the University Federale Santa Cantarina, Brazil - for the first participation of a Brazilian University to Simuvaction and celebration of our student Suliane Motta
SIMUVACTION on AI 2022 - Emory University
* see "The best kind of challenging, Emory students join international simulation to debate AI and health inequities" in The EMORY REPORT, January 2023
* see "Simuvaction 2022- Intelligence Artificielle et Ethique", in La FRANCE AUX ETATS-UNIS, Consulat Général de France à Atlanta, Decembre 2022
* see "Students take on the role of world leaders", January 27 2023, Leiden University

From 2015 Students from Nantes University participated in a European Council simulation
In 2017, the Program won the "Passion on Teaching in Higher Education" from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Innovation and Research - the PRIX PEPS
The 2018 simulation on "Bioethics and Regenerative Medicine" :

Pictures Credit: Jack Wang, Alexandra Blank, Samuel Sanchez, Olivier Menard


Interested Students
Dr. Anne-Elisabeth Courrier
Visiting Fellow at the Center for Ethics,
Emory University,
Associate Professor in Public Law,
Political Sciences and Law Department
Nantes University

Potential Sponsors
Natasha Lebowitz
Director of Development
Emory University Center for Ethics
Dr. Anne-Elisabeth Courrier
Visiting Fellow at the Center for Ethics, Emory University
Associate Professor in Public Law,
Political Sciences and Law department, Nantes University